Skin Care Nutrition – Part 1

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. For many, skin care involves only external treatment such as applying ointments, oils and lotions. People living in cold and dry climates often use body lotion to help preserve moisture in the skin. We encourage the use of natural solutions like Aloe Vera to both moisten and nourish the skin to deliver nutrients like Vitamin E. However, the first course of action for improving skin health is to improve nutrition.

Supplement Regimens and Pill Fatigue

Having a supplement regimen makes it easy to remember to take supplements at the right times. It ensures we are getting the nutrients on a regular basis. Supplementation is both an art and a science. We have done the research to provide the benefits of science when it comes to selecting the right forms of nutrients, the grouping of nutrients and balancing formulas.

Iodine and Flu Variants

Here we briefly discuss how iodine is useful against viral threats and why it is particularly useful against the threat of the day. Flu strains or virus variants can neither resist nor adapt to iodine. Iodine is not concerned with ANY variant. We wondered why natural or alternative means of boosting the immune system was never recommended by health authorities. New virus threats continue to emerge due to variations ...

Iodine and Seaweed: First Clue

.. concerned that I might have been an allergic reaction to something from dinner. I thought it may have been the vinegar in the seaweed dish. Something had cranked-up my internal thermostat. I wasn’t used to feeling hot in the middle of winter. After my confusion about the origin of the heat cleared, I got really excited that maybe I found a way to finally beat my issues with the cold ...

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